Initiatives and Funding 2021
As we enter Lockdown 3, the arts sector continues to be the most aversely hit sector as thousands of jobs have been lost with the cancellation of thousands of gigs, exhibitions, festivals and on off closures of galleries and museums. So here at Positive Sales and Marketing we wanted to provide some glimmers of hope to this sector through our Guide To Support For All Artists Covid-19 Crisis.
Sacha Lord has been a prominent campaigner lobbying Government to cease penalising the hospitality industry over the spread of the Virus. Also tied in with Brexit a petition failed to persuade Government to waive visas for touring musicians. So times are now tougher than ever for our beloved musicians, artists, writers and poets.
There was £160 million given to the Arts Council at the beginning of the crisis which has now been allocated. So what can you do if you are in the arts as we enter 2021? One thing we do know, not retrain in IT!
Glimmers of hope for UK artists
National Lottery Project Grants open for applications until April 2021 – for indepdent practitioners and freelancers
Developing your Creative Practice – open until 18th February 2021 – for individuals and freelancers
United We Stream
United We Stream was launched in April 2020 and has gone from strength to strength finishing the year on a high. 40 million people streamed their 24 hour New Year’s Eve virtual Hacienda party which was a great feat of imagination and a wonderul jewel glistening in the mire of 2020 mixed memories.
Funded through donations and organised events, money is sewn back into supporting our hard hit night-time economy. For those who are in Greater Manchester and are an individual or freelancer for the night-time economy you can apply to the Solidarity Fund.
Social Enterprises and Charities
If you are a creative that operates through a social enterprise or a charity, there is further advice, guidance and possible financial assistance through Good Finance and Social Enterprise Org.
Other Help and Guidance
- PRS Emergency Relief Fund
- Spotify Covid-19 Relief
- Specific website for advice for musicians during the Corona Crisis
- Covid-19 Funding Directory A to Z
- Grants Online Corona Virus
- EmployGM keeping Greater Manchester working
Finally, it is up to us individually to support our local cultural heritage, by buying from our independent retailers and donating to live-stream events.
A new and exciting virtual world of culture is emerging, in which we all have an equal voice, let’s use it to our advantage. Please share this Guide To Support For All Artists Covid-19 Crisis with anyone you know of needing guidance at this time.